We understand that every second in Healthcare Industry is highly valuable, we would like to offer the best network reliability and customer service to you.

Biznet Healthnet is Biznet Dedicated Internet service specifically designed for hospital / health institutions with a selection of service packages starting from 100 Mbps up to 10 Gbps. Healthnet service is available to ensure the performance of network connection to Global Internet is delivered at the best stage at any time, at a competitive price.

With the presence of Healthnet, hospital / health institutions are able to enjoy Biznet Hotspot service, which is a free Wi-Fi service from Biznet, so hospital / health institutions do not require to invest in hotspot devices and able to stay focus on their operations. Biznet Hotspot is a free Wi-Fi service from Biznet with speed up to 100 Mbps.

Healthnet Network

Drug Store
Training Center

Network Features

Biznet Fiber network with capacity from 60 Mbps - 10 Gbps

Direct connection to Biznet Data Center with capacity of 10/100 Gbps

Secure, fast and trusted

Telemedicine Concept and Its Implementation in Indonesia

Health is one of the most important aspects in human life. Along with the growth and development of technology in almost all aspects of life, health is one aspect that has been absorbing the use of technology into their practices, and it is called Telemedicine. In our country, this term is getting more popular since many health institutions are starting to apply and use technology into their operations and routines. Not only to support their Internal management in terms of delivering better services, the applications of technology has also helped patients in getting the most proper health services, in a better and efficient manner.

biznet healthnet

Telemedicine is a concept that allows doctors and their patients to be able to conduct health consultations from a distance. It is supported by many medical devices that can be used to monitor health conditions of patients, to be reported directly to doctors, in order to device the next medical treatment for the patients. Moreover, there is a technology that allows doctor to conduct tele-surgery with support from medical robot that can be controlled to conduct patients’ surgery. Telemedicine is also able to create a concept where ICU rooms can be controlled and monitored by doctors from a distance. So how can health and medical institutions apply Telemedicine properly into their daily operations? And what are the advantages that patients can have by having this concept? Here are some of the most important things that can be a good reference in terms of Telemedicine applications in Indonesia.

  1. Ensure the Internet connection is reliable

    Everything related to technology cannot be separated from Internet connection. As the key for the success of Telemedicine concept, we need to ensure that the available Internet connection is reliable, fast and has a suitable bandwidth capacity, be able to achieve maximum results.

  2. Prepare high quality technology and medical devices

    In the aspect of health, the use of medical devices is mandatory. Starting from the use of crucial devices like telescope, USG and X-Ray devices, up to large devices such as MRI device, everything is crucial and not negotiable. But today, along with the concept of Telemedicine, there are other devices that are required to implement the concept, and they are called wearable devices. Wearable devices are available with various purposes such as monitoring heartbeat, glucose level, blood pressure, cholesterol, fat, and many others. The devices come in many shapes and types include necklaces, bracelets, wrist watches, and also smartphones applications. With high quality Internet connection the data can be automatically stored in data center and reported to doctors or nurses in real time, and it will be used as a reference to decide the next medical treatment for the patients.

  3. Ensure all medical data are stored and managed properly

    Other thing that is also important is the safety and management of patients’ medical records. Starting from consulting records, test results such as blood or X-Ray tests, and medicine prescription records, everything must be stored and recorded properly. It is important since the data will be used by doctors to decide what kind of medical actions need to be taken, in order to give patients the best possible solutions for their health conditions. To ensure the safety and management of all patients’ data, health institutions can use data center or data management services that offer complete service for data management. Some of data center services available are Biznet Data Center ( or cloud computing service offered by Biznet Gio Cloud (

  4. Prepare medical human resources for the changes

    This technology will not be running well without maximum support from all the human resources involved in it. All medical workers and professionals must have the proper and complete knowledge and trainings about everything related to Telemedicine, so that they can apply this concept completely and correctly. Therefore, the readiness of all human resources should be treated as one of the main focus on the application of Telemedicine concept.

  5. Use reliable health service applications

    In applying Telemedicine concept, don’t forget to use trusted and high-quality applications. One of the most trusted Telemedicine applications include VSee, health application that has been used globally, and also Temenin, which is a local health application that has been recommended by the Republic of Indonesia’s Government ( Temenin offers Telemedicine services that include four main categories, which are Radiology, Ultrasonography (USG), Electrocardiography, and consultations. Moreover, applications like Zoom, BGN Meet, Google Hangout, Microsoft Teams, Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram also hold an important role in supporting health industry workers to stay updated with the current trends and updates about health.

Telemedicine concept gives many advantages for the people of Indonesia, especially for those who live in remote areas with limited access to proper health facilities. Telemedicine concept is hoped to bring doctors’ hands out of their consulting rooms to touch people who are far, so distance will no longer be an issue. The use of Telemedicine concept is highly supported by a reliable Internet connection, and it has encouraged Biznet to strengthen the commitment and to keep innovating to be able to provide the best Internet service, all over Indonesia

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