The New Biznet Fiber is the latest fiber network supported by reliable and sophisticated technology. Offering Internet service with the best performance and much bigger capacity, the new fiber network will meet the ever-increasing demand in the future.

The New Biznet Fiber offers the best options of Internet service to support business and also personal requirements, answering new and increasing challenges from time to time.

#PakeBiznet Faster!

Advantages of Metro Ethernet 10G/100G Network

  • Based on Metro Ethernet Network technology with Ring topology that provides auto protection when there's a cut in Fiber Optic Backbone.
  • Inter-SuperPOP central link capacity and inter-city capacity is n x 100 Gbps.
  • Link capacity to International Gateway with 4 x 100 Gbps capacity (per 15 December 2018).

Advantages of GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) - FTTX

  • Based on full protection network and Full Fiber to customer's location.
  • Based on GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) network access that can deliver services up to 2.5 Gbps.
  • Using the latest ONT (Optical Network Terminal) modem device including the latest Wi-Fi technology with higher and faster data transfer.